E.E. Andrews House
308 South East Avenue
Oak Park, Illinois 60302-3512

attrib. Charles E. White, Jr., 1905

Phil Pecord writes:

   “The house is dated 1905 according to the Oak Park House Database. For this style of house, one that looks like it came from FLW Studio, I personally attributed it to White. He left the Studio at that time, one of the first of the apprentices to start his own work.
   “The only other possibility would be Griffin or Drummond, as a moonlight job, (notice the corner windows), but no one has stepped up to include this one as one of their work.
   “On the other hand, White has no other work that used corner windows, and even Wright did not use them at that time. There is the possibility that the house was built much later than the 1905; the date should be verified.”

Research courtesy of Phil Pecord; the above photographs from December 2008 courtesy of Phil Adams.

These last six photographs from 2008 courtesy of Butch Kmet.







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